Happy Friday Students, Parents, and Carers!
We began our day with integration, sensory diets, and Floortime (child-led play). Play is great for creativity, language arts and complex communication skills, abstract thinking, problem solving skills, inquiry and mathematics skills, role-play and drama, fine motor skills, teamwork, and social skills. Sensory diets are so important for regulation, auditory processing skills, teamwork, social skills, sportsmanship, motor planning, body mapping, sequencing, gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.
We began our day with integration, sensory diets, and Floortime (child-led play). Play is great for creativity, language arts and complex communication skills, abstract thinking, problem solving skills, inquiry and mathematics skills, role-play and drama, fine motor skills, teamwork, and social skills. Sensory diets are so important for regulation, auditory processing skills, teamwork, social skills, sportsmanship, motor planning, body mapping, sequencing, gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.
Some math/problem solving calendar work.
Here we are working on our gross motor skills, visual spatial skills, bilateral coordination, balance and coordination, and team work skills during our dance routines for our Talent Show!!!
Floortime (Play Time)
We also talked worked on our Cultural Market and used our creativity, fine motor skills, abstract thinking, two-way communication, problem solving, language and math skills.
As always we went over our Question Wheel and looked at different questioning techniques for Show & Tell. Everyone did a great job and used lots of inferencing, questioning and answering skills, oral communication, problem solving, scientific vocabulary, adjectives, and implemented the question wheel and the Five W's. This has been a work in progress as some of our friends do find it difficult to think about questions, why we chose a specific toy/object, how much time has gone by since I got the toy/object, etc. Show & Tell is very important for our students to make connections to times, places, and faces that occur in their world, and using all of our skills mentioned above. I also want to remind parents that Show & Tell is every Friday! : )
In Art class today we made some cool Banksy-style street art pieces for the Cultural Market. Students used their fine motor skills, creative and abstract thinking skills, team work, social skills, life skills (cleaning up), and individual artistic abilities (by using various objects to paint with).
Have a great evening!
Mr. Jacob : )
I have sent home a Homework sheet entailing the students to do a little research project with pictures, a title (country name) and some facts on a poster board. The students can bring them in on Monday or Tuesday, with Wednesday being the latest! Thank you