Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Wednesday Students, Parents, and Carers!

We began the day with integration, sensory diets, and some play time. Play is so important for creativity, language arts and communication skills, mathematics skills, role-play and drama, fine motor skills, teamwork, and social skills.

Mr. Carter helping us sharpen all of the pencils in the classroom.

Today we figured out how many kilometres and minutes it would take for us to get to No Frill's. We needed to know how long it would take and how much gas money it would be! We had to use division, multiplication, money and coins, measurement, team building, life skills, social skills, and oral communication skills.

Ms. Elizabeth is helping her friends solve our division problem: what is 1.40 divided into two?

Here we are going over costs, money and coin skills, and division.

Busy working on our fine motor skills and letter formations.

Mr. Ojani was learning time in SJA math class!
In gym class today we played a few warm up games and then a new version of Colour-Octopus Tag, as well as Ro Sham Bo.It was so much fun and everyone demonstrated great auditory processing skills, teamwork, social skills, sportsmanship, motor planning, body mapping, sequencing, gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.

We continued our Cosmic Kids Yoga today during Mindfulness. All of our friends were so attentive, focused, determined, and calm while working on their breathing, body awareness and body mapping, and flexibility, core strength, and upper body strength.

After lunch we participated in a fun team building scavenger hunt. There were nine riddles/clues to solve and find throughout the school and playground. We had so much fun using our abstract and logical thinking abilities, problem solving abilities, two-way and oral communication skills, complex communication skills, language and rhyming skills, math skills, social skills, team work skills, and sportsmanship.

Before afternoon snack and recess we had our third Social Skills Club with our friends from SJA. We worked on our social skills, oral communication skills, turn taking, creative and abstract play, and math skills playing dinosaurs and ring toss!

Our last activity of the day was called Speed Stacks. This is a fun game using our fine motor skills, bilateral movements, turn taking, team building, sportsmanship, and math skills. There are various games and ways to play different challenging tasks in a team environment.

Have a great evening everyone! : )

1) Work on two and three-digit addition and subtraction questions, as well as multiplication and division questions whether you write down some questions for your child, or use math to cook, clean, set the table, do chores, play games, create a game, divide using coins and prices for things they are interested in, etc.

2) Discuss good and poor sportsmanship. Use examples and pictures, videos, role-play, etc. Also, discuss big/medium/small problems and have your child make a chart showing where they think specific incidents should fall under.

3) Spend 15 minutes reading a book of your child's choice, a cartoon, instructions, recipe, comic strip, etc. Make reading fun, engaging, an adventure, and not a boring chore.

4) Have your child come up with their own Minute to Win It activity (e.g. look online, see past episodes on You Tube, make a similar one to Ms. Josephine's stacking activity, etc.

Mr. Jacob : )

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