The began with an informative assembly on Terry Fox, and our schools contribution towards the cause. It was a long assembly and our students did absolutely amazing sitting, listening attentively, and being respectful to the guest speaker. We then had a great discussion on who Terry Fox was, what he did, why he did it, what cancer is, and what cells are and do in our body. Although a sad topic to begin the week, we had lots of scientific discussion and learning!
After the Terry Fox assembly some of our friends wanted to play "Snow Ball Fight", where friends had to run around a specific area. Once they heard, "snow ball fight!" they had to throw snowballs and duck and run away from snowballs. The snowballs were scrunched up paper balls that had questions written on them. This game, along with Go Noodle, are great ways to help regulate the students and demonstrate body and muscle awareness, proprioceptive, vestibular and bilateral movements, fine and gross motor skills, motor planning, auditory processing, social problem solving, oral and two way communication skills, questioning skills, and math skills.
Mr. Ojani was our teacher and went over the month, date, day, year, weather, time, and feelings.
Some photos of our research on natural/ good body cells and cancer cells at work. Some heavy informative research, but led to some important discussion and learning.
In Gym today we warmed up by playing "Elephant Soccer". Students had to get in a circle with their feet touching and legs spread open. Our "trunk" were our two arms hung low between our feet. The objective was to score a goal between someone else's feet by using your "trunk" and hitting the ball. This was a fun game that got our hearts' racing and everyone played so well with each other. Afterwards, we played a fun auditory processing game similar to Magical Chairs.. Everyone demonstrated great auditory processing skills, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.
During our "Mindfulness" today we used a fun exercise involving spaghetti exercises to work on calming down our bodies, deep breathing, stretching, drama, and regulation. Afterwards, we went on a magical journey through a forest, river, climbed snowy mountains, listened to birds and the sound of leaves, while listening to a relaxing narrative and being exposed to sensory stimuli. We used Ocean Mist spray, paper bags full of leaves, smooth and cool stones, soft feathers, and a spray bottle.
The afternoon started with Music Therapy with Ms. Christine and some discussion on where we are all from. In two small groups, we managed to finish our 'Faces From Other Places' board and looked at our ethnic backgrounds from around the world!
In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, body mapping and awareness, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math (addition and subtraction problems), time, phonics and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.
Near the end of our session we participated in a Thinking Goes To School (TGTS) activity that utilizes our upper body strength, gross motor skills, and core strength by manoeuvring through an obstacle course without hitting any equipment (land mines) to get to the gold ball (gym ball) at the other end of the room.
After snack and recess we looked at two-digit addition problems using numbers up to 100. Our friends got to use manipulatives (counting blocks) and tens and ones blocks. We looked at regrouping, tens and ones columns, and how to solve addition problems independently as possible. Great work by all!
Mr. Carter enjoys Ghost Busters. So, naturally, we drew out ghosts and 'slimed them; with a green bingo dabber to complete our addition math problems.
Some great independent math work!
Have a restful evening and see everyone tomorrow!
Mr. Jacob : )
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