Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Happy Tuesday Parents and Carers!

The boys had a fantastic day with their new friend Zachary! They all got along so well and had fun participating in our busy schedule.

While Evan was completing his sensory diet, Eric showed Zach our fun fine motor, hands-eye math game.

Here is Zach and Eric adding up their numbered balls.
Focus and determination at work.
Adding up the scores by using their own strategies for addition.
Mr. Zachary was chosen to play teacher today! He did a brilliant job leading the class through our morning greetings, calendar work, feelings, and time.
Evan working on our calendar and showing Zach when winter begins, and how many more days left until Christmas.

Zach having a little regulation time before he plays teacher again. Here he is going over the times we all woke up at this morning.

The boys are busy working out what they want to do, how much time we have for our session, and the proper amount of time that can be distributed to each person's activity. They figured out that with 27 minutes left in the session that they could each receive 8 minutes, which would equal 24 minutes and allow for 3 minutes of extra time.

Getting creative with Lego's and choosing their pieces.

The boys created their own menus and cafe, and Zach even managed the till and created the prices using money. Bacon was cheap but $26 for an ice cream cone hurt my wallet! Haha

Zachary chose Hang-Man as his activity. Eric and Evan worked well together in order to solve the mystery Famous Canadian Singer. No, it was not the famous Celine Dion, but our very own Ontarian Justin Bieber. Haha

During Language Arts, Eric and Zach went over several high frequency words. They used their blending and segmenting skills, decoding and phonics skills, oral communication and reading skills, and implemented full complete sentences and proper letter formation.
Matching words with a fishing game!
Working on our spelling, phonics, and letter formation.
Getting messy with shaving foam!

In Gym class today we played a fun game of Link Tag with our friends in Ms. Jessica and Ms. Andrea's classes. We used our team work skills, sportsmanship, gross motor skills, proprioception and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.

Pac-Man tag during recess!

n the afternoon we played several different games for Minute to Win It. We worked on our concentration and focus, hand-eye coordination, proprioception skills, bilateral movements, fine and gross motor skills, math skills, time management, and sportsmanship skills. 

Here is our Lego Tower Build:

Social Skills: we read a story about Scaredy Squirrel Christmas with our friends. After the story, we completed a 'Christmas Emergency List' of things that we may need during the holidays. This utilized our oral communication skills, fine motor skills, writing and spelling skills, problem solving and creativity.

After afternoon snack and recess the boys had some fun in the sensory gym by working on our our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.

What a great day with our new friend Zach. He fit right in and not only did Eric and Evan help him out today, Zachary also helped out his friends and displayed lots of affection towards them. We cannot wait to see Zach in January!

Have a great evening,

Mr. Jacob : ) 

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