Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Happy Tuesday Students, Parents, and Carers!

Here we have Sander and Ojani playing our Olympic Math Ring Toss game while waiting for our friends to arrive. Mr. carter decided to draw and write in his journal at this time.

We began our morning exercise by completing a class favourite: the 300 metre run!
Here is Mr. Zachary showing off his new skill!

Long jump training followed up our running. The boys worked on measuring skills (centimetres and metres), teamwork, social skills, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination. 

"I believe I can fly"

Mr. Zachary was our teacher today and went over the month, date, day, year, weather, time, and feelings.

After morning circle we took turns sharing our weekend adventures with our peers. Everyone worked on turn taking, listening skills, two-way communication, oral communication, and questioning skills.

After snack and recess everyone participated in a fine motor task of tying our shoes. Mr. Zachary learned how to independently tie his own shoes this weekend and was proud to show off his skills!

Today in gym class we played Predator vs. Prey. The predator started the game in his "den" (middle court circle) and all of the prey got a chance to frolic, swim, fly, hop, etc. around the playing field. Mr. Kyle then yelled "attack", and the prey had to run away from the predator and find a "safe hole" (which were hola hoops strategically placed around the playing field). Everyone demonstrated great auditory processing skills, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, social skills, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.

During our "Mindfulness" today we worked on calming exercises, deep breathing, stretching, auditory processing, and regulation. Afterwards, we went on a magical journey through a forest, river, climbed snowy mountains, listened to birds and the sound of leaves and waves, while listening to a relaxing narrative and being exposed to sensory stimuli.

After lunch recess we had fun completing some fine motor art. We made an Olympic mural for our Opening Ceremonies tomorrow!

In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, time, phonics and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.

We also played a new Olympic Javelin Toss math game before snack. We used our fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, accuracy, sportsmanship, turn taking, and two to three-digit addition skills.

At the end of the day we continued to go over the parts of a story: characters, setting, problem(s), events, and solution(s). We then got into our groups and wrote down our own characters that the students created, the setting, events, and problem(s) and solution(s). Students then got to use their written diagrams by practicing their stories in costume. Today we displayed some great writing and fine motor skills, creative skills, turn taking, team work, social skills, role playing, drama skills, and oral communication skills.

Poor Ms. B got "stuck" in the hallway haha.

Have a great Tuesday evening and I shall see everyone tomorrow!

1) Have students use a rule or measuring tape and measure their height, family member's height, foot sizes, bed length, and things around the house. They can record their findings on paper or just verbalize their findings.

2) Discuss/read/create a story (fiction or non-fiction) and use the 5 Finger Retelling Method: 

3) Work on two and three-digit addition and subtraction questions, whether you write down some questions for your child, or use math to cook, clean, set the table, do chores, play games, create a game, etc.

4) Discuss what nouns, adjectives, and verbs are by making a visual sentence using pictures from magazines, drawings, etc. and words. Example: The BOAT (cut out a picture of a boat for the noun) SAILs (use a picture of a sail for the verb) out into the DEEP, BLUE water (use a picture of something deep and blue for the adjectives). Have your child also write out the sentence (s).

5) Spend 15 minutes reading a book of your child's choice, a cartoon, instructions, recipe, comic strip, etc. Make reading fun, engaging, an adventure, and not a boring chore.

Mr. Jacob : )

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