Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Happy Wednesday Students, Parents, and Carers!

We began the day with SJA math, sensory diets, math programs, and Olympic art led by Ms. Josephine. 

Here is Mr. Carter completing his math program in the morning.
Olympic torch art (fine motor skills and bilateral movements).

Everyone did very well in SJA's gym class by demonstrating great auditory processing skills, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, social skills, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.

Ms. Elizabeth was our teacher today and went over the month, date, day, year, weather, time, and feelings.

For a much needed sensory break we decided to practice our long jump skills. The boys worked on measuring skills (centimetres and metres), teamwork, social skills, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination. 

After snack and recess we participated in our Olympic scavenger hunt. There were seven riddles/clues to solve, and seven Olympic torches to find throughout the school and playground. We had so much fun using our abstract and logical thinking abilities, problem solving abilities, two-way and oral communication skills, complex communication skills, language and rhyming skills, math skills, social skills, team work skills, and sportsmanship.

The search begins!

Mr. Ojani is happily showing off the torch he found.

Mr. Carter is highlighting all of the clues that we find.

Mr. Zachary discovered the 5th Olympic torch!

Eric is reading our next riddle.

"Guys where is it?" "What! The hippo must have ate it!" (Haha, it was hidden underneath of the blue hippopotamus).

The afternoon began with our Olympic Opening Ceremonies. After a few weeks of looking at different countries, cultural backgrounds, family trees, different sporting events, mascots and the history of the Olympics, we finally had our big day. Our students were introduced by country, and had their mascots, torches, flags, and national anthems as they entered the "arena" (classroom). Every athlete was introduced, lit the Olympic cauldron, and shook hands with their fellow athletes from around the world. We had music, dance, and good sportsmanship as the topic of conversation! : ) 

Lets the games begin! Here are some photos of the students playing Javelin Toss, Olympic Ring Toss, and Blind Striker. All of these games required the students to help create the idea, points system, and name. Everyone displayed team work, sportsmanship, turn taking, math skills, oral communication skills, two-way communication skills, social problem solving skills, hand-eye coordination, accuracy, and fine and gross motor skills.

And they're off! do we beat Mr. Jacob?

Eager to start the race!

Action shots

Mr. Zachary helped Mr. Jacob set up the track.

Close race

The "Road Runner"

Great form!

At the very end of the day we got time to relax, discuss, and share our favourite moments from the day. This was one of our best reflections yet!

Have a relaxing evening and I will see you all tomorrow!

1) Have students use a rule or measuring tape and measure their height, family member's height, foot sizes, bed length, and things around the house. They can record their findings on paper or just verbalize their findings.

2) Discuss/read/create a story (fiction or non-fiction) and use the 5 Finger Retelling Method: 

3) Work on two and three-digit addition and subtraction questions, whether you write down some questions for your child, or use math to cook, clean, set the table, do chores, play games, create a game, etc.

4) Discuss what nouns, adjectives, and verbs are by making a visual sentence using pictures from magazines, drawings, etc. and words. Example: The BOAT (cut out a picture of a boat for the noun) SAILs (use a picture of a sail for the verb) out into the DEEP, BLUE water (use a picture of something deep and blue for the adjectives). Have your child also write out the sentence (s).

5) Spend 15 minutes reading a book of your child's choice, a cartoon, instructions, recipe, comic strip, etc. Make reading fun, engaging, an adventure, and not a boring chore.

Mr. Jacob : )

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