Monday, 21 March 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

Welcome Back Students, Parents and Carers!

The boys, Ms. Amber, Mr. Jeremy, and I had such a great first day back. Unfortunately, our dear friend Avery was not at school today. We hope to see him tomorrow!

We picked up right where we left off by beginning with some sensory dancing. Guided dancing and sensory circuits are both great activities to help regulate and demonstrate great body and muscle awareness, proprioceptive, vestibular and bilateral movements, fine and gross motor skills, motor planning, and auditory processing.

Mr. Zachary was our teacher today and led the class through time (past, present, and future), calendar work (years, months, days, and weeks), emotions and feelings, morning greetings, and what we did for March Break. Everyone got an opportunity to answer and share the what, when, where, why, and how regarding their trips. We also looked at the destinations on Google Maps, and searched pictures of the areas as well.

The boys had fifteen minutes of some free time and decided that they wanted to complete a puzzle. This was a great opportunity for them to work together, use two-way communication skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship. They all did so well together, which was especially important because this was after a thirty minute social problem solving disagreement after morning circle! Well done gentlemen!

During Minute to Win It we worked on our concentration and focus, hand-eye coordination, proprioception skills, bilateral movements, fine and gross motor skills, math skills, time management, sportsmanship skills, and how to work through our emotions. The boys had to build a structure using various materials. They had three minutes to complete the task, and had to follow these rules:
1. Cups cannot touch other cups.
2. Marshmallows cannot touch cups.
3. Marshmallows cannot be punctured.
4. Only cups and blocks can touch the paper.
They all did so well and had different structures!

In social skills today we partnered up with our friends from Ms. Andrea's class to go over the Question Wheel (who, what, where, when, why, and how). The boys worked on their social skills, oral communication, body language, eye contact, two-way conversation skills, turn taking, using descriptive language, and asking proper questions in context. 

In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, time, and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.

At the very end of the day we had some free time after recess. Evan asked Mr. Jeremy to play with the cashier, while Eric wanted to complete his journal work with Ms. Amber.

Have a great evening and see you tomorrow!

Mr. Jacob : )

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