Thursday, 7 January 2016

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Good evening Parents and Carers!

Another successful day to start off our first week (er...half week I mean haha). The boys did very well transitioning throughout the day despite the may changes to our regular schedule.

The day began with a fun team building activity that utilizes two way communication and oral communication skills, directional and positional language, fine and gross motor skills, bilateral movements, and teamwork and sportsmanship. The boys had to transfer a pom pom from one end of the classroom to the other without using their hands. All they were given was a paper towel roll cut in half.


During our morning routine we worked on proper greetings in a social context, two way communication and oral communication skills, turn taking, problem solving skills, math skills, weather, time & time management, feelings & emotions, sequencing and writing skills.

After our morning circle we participated in a Floortime session where we read a story about a farting dog, and then created some robot characters.

After creating our robot characters the boys wanted to draw and write in their journals!

Here are the boys joining a St. Judes' Grade 1 & 2 class for Art. They did a great job socializing with new friends, using their creativity, and engaging in two way communication and oral communication skills.

In Language Arts we looked at preposition words by physically acting and making preposition work books using images and a word bank.

Immediately after lunch the boys had fun participating in a St. Judes' Grade 1 & 2 gym class. They played "Electric Chain" and had lots of fun working on their auditory processing skills, directional language. gross motor skills, bilateral and proprioception movements, and teamwork and sportsmanship.

Gym class was cut a little short today so we finished off the session by creating an obstacle course!

In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.

Lastly we completed some Minute to Win It activities that work on concentration and focus, hand-eye coordination, bilateral movements, fine motor skills, math skills, time management, sportsmanship skills, and how to work through our emotions.

Have a great night and see you tomorrow friends!

Mr. Jacob : )

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