Monday, 2 May 2016

Monday, May 2, 2016

Happy Manic Monday Parents and Carers!

The boys started off the week with tons of energy. We began by discussing our weekends and playing Lego's together!

After some chatting and socializing we needed to move. The boys wanted to get loose and move to some Go Noodle videos. Guided dancing is a great activity to help regulate and demonstrate great body and muscle awareness, proprioceptive, vestibular and bilateral movements, fine and gross motor skills, motor planning, and auditory processing.

We had lots of extra work to complete on our calendar today. Mr. Evan was our teacher today and led the class through time (past, present, and future), calendar work (years, months, days, and weeks), emotions and feelings, and morning greetings. The boys also figured out that we have 41 days left before school ends, and 32 of those days are at school! Wow, time flies by too quickly.

After snack and recess we discussed how many invitations we need, how many people are invited, what day the party is on, time and location. The boys utilized their problem solving skills, math and language skills, writing and fine motor skills, and oral communication and team work. We are so excited for the big day! : )

In Gym today we played a fun new game called "Star Catchers". Students had to divide themselves into four groups and pick a galaxy to stand on (yoga mat). Students had to allocate star catchers on their team to fly into space and grab a star one at a time. Students had to take turns and race against time, as well as steal stars from other galaxies (groups). The boys demonstrated great auditory processing skills, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, and balance and coordination. 

For Social Skills today Ms. Andrea's class joined us for a fun Team Building challenge: The Bridge Challenge. Our friends got into groups with their peers and had to construct a bridge out of various materials that could not only stand up, but hold the biggest amount of dominoes without breaking. This was a great activity for team work, oral communication skills, sportsmanship, problem solving, math skills, fine motor skills, and social problem solving. 

In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, time, phonics and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.

At the very end of the day the boys worked on their monster party decorations for our party. Everyone worked well with one another and utilized fine motor skills, math skills, and creativity.

Afterwards we went over our Zones of Regulation and used different coloured blocks to symbolize how our day was, and how different times of the day went. For example, if one of our friends was upset after morning recess, we stacked a blue block symbolizing "sadness". When we did very well together during St. Jude's gym class we used a green block, symbolizing "happy and ready to learn"! We also got to share our own ideas and thoughts on how our day went, and took turns saying one nice thing about our friends from today's work.

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