Before Show and Tell the boys wanted to get loose and move to some Go Noodle videos. Guided dancing is a great activity to help regulate and demonstrate great body and muscle awareness, proprioceptive, vestibular and bilateral movements, fine and gross motor skills, motor planning, and auditory processing.
Mr. Eric was our teacher today and led the class through time (past, present, and future), calendar work (years, months, days, and weeks), emotions and feelings, and morning greetings.
As always we began our fun Friday with our Show and Tell session. Everyone had to describe their object, share why they brought it in, where they got it from, how long they have had it, and why it is so special. We also used a Question Wheel to help work on our questioning and answering skills, using descriptive language, and working on inferencing and oral communication skills.
In Art class today we made funky kits with our partners. The boys engaged in fine motor skills, creativity, team work, problem solving, and oral communication skills!
The boys did very well practicing their roles ad lines for our Peter Pan play! We had lots of fun with our friends!
Avery has been lifting weights!
In Science we played a very fun interactive game where we went over our different Canadian habitats from last week. Everyone had to use their auditory processing skills and animal/ habitat knowledge to act out different animals and walk/crawl/slither/fly/jump/etc. to the correct habitat.
Have a great weekend gentlemen!
Mr. Jacob : )