Thursday, 7 April 2016

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Happy Thursday Parents and Carers!

We began the day by looking at our pizza shopping list from yesterday's No Frills trip. The addition and multiplication was a bit tricky and we still have some work to go before it is complete.

Mr. Evan was our teacher today and led the class through time (past, present, and future), calendar work (years, months, days, and weeks), emotions and feelings, morning greetings.

The boys attended St. Jude's Grade 1/2 gym class again today. It was another fun team building session where a group of four students had to complete a relay race without the middle person hitting the hola hoop while the other three hold it up for them. The boys worked with other students and had to demonstrate teamwork, cooperation, oral communication skills, directional language, sportsmanship, gross motor skills, balance and coordination, motor planning, and bilateral movements. They all did very well!

After gym with St. Jude's the boys completed some Jump Math seat work on 3D shapes. Today we went over cubes, rectangular prisms, spheres, cylinders, and cones.

During language arts today our friend Evan had his weekly 1:1 reading/ phonics/ speech & language session while the other three listened and responded to the book, Being A Bad Sport. We had some great discussion on what a good sport and bad sport look like, and what we should do if we experience someone being a bad sport (or if we are the bad sport).

The boys also had some time for Partner Play, which is great for social skills, communication, turn taking, creativity, fine motor skills, and emotions.

In gym class today we played a fun Dodge Ball/ Ball Tag game with our friends in Ms. Andrea's and Ms. Jessica's classes. The boys got to work on their hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.

In social skills today we joined Ms. Andrea's class to talk about the Zones of Regulation, and how to play with our friends. The boys then participated in a "Play Master" session where one friend gets five minutes to dictate and run a game with their own rules. After five minutes is up the next friend gets to be the 'play master', and so on. This is a great game for social skills, communication, turn taking, creativity, fine motor skills, and emotions.

In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, time, phonics and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.

At the very end of the day the boys had to work together to create the tallest freestanding structure that they could build. The only materials they were given were 20 dry spaghetti noodles, 10 marshmallows, a meter of string, and a roll of tape with scissors. Everyone had some very creative and unique ideas, however, the majority of our time was spent on social problem solving rather than building. But we had some great discussion and regulation time, and worked through our problems.

Have a great evening gentlemen and see you tomorrow!

Mr. Jacob : )

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