The day began with only two friends engaging in some Guided Dancing on Go Noodle. We woke up our bodies and completed some great stretching videos to begin our busy day.
The boys attended St. Jude's Grade 1/2 gym class today and played a similar game to Manhunt. Mr. Eric was our key master and he had to spot the burglars in the museum before they got to the keys, and unlocked the safe. The boys got to work on their hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, and balance and coordination.
Mr. Zachary was our teacher today and led the class through time (past, present, and future), calendar work (years, months, days, and weeks), emotions and feelings, and morning greetings.
In Language Arts today we worked on our Pizza Party by completing our letters home and working on our invitations! We demonstrated great letter recognition and formation, proper sentences, typing, brainstorming, problem solving, and math skills. During this session Mr. Zachary completed his 1:1 Reading/ Phonics session with Mr. Jeremy.
Eric and Avery also starting making some decorations for our pizza party.
In Gym we started off playing a real life version of Rock, Paper, Scissors using our bodies. Next, we play a fun tag type game called, Shark Attack! The boys demonstrated great auditory processing skills, hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, and balance and coordination.
For Social Skills today Ms. Andrea's class joined us for a fun Team Building challenge: The Boat Challenge. Our friends got into groups with their peers and had to construct a boat out of various materials that could not only float, but hold the biggest amount of dominoes without sinking. This was a great activity for team work, oral communication skills, sportsmanship, problem solving, math skills, fine motor skills, and social problem solving.
Building our Boats
Testing our Boats
In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, time, phonics and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.
At the end of the day we went over our Zones of Regulation and used different coloured blocks to symbolize how our day was, and how different times of the day went. For example, if one of our friends was upset after morning recess, we stacked a blue block symbolizing "sadness". When we did very well together during St. Jude's gym class we used a green block, symbolizing "happy and ready to learn"! We also got to share our own ideas and thoughts on how our day went, and took turns saying one nice thing about our friends from today's work.
Have a great evening gentlemen!
Mr. Jacob : )
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