Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Happy Tuesday Parents and Carers!

Mr. Zachary was our teacher today and led the class through time (past, present, and future), calendar work (years, months, days, and weeks), emotions and feelings, and morning greetings.

Here are the boys using a mirror and colours, from the Zones of Regulation, to share how they were feeling today.

The boys did very well in St. Jude's gym class today. They played a fun game called "Lifeboat", where they had to work in teams and engage in oral communication and problem solving skills together. The objective was to knock over the other teams bowling pins that kept their lifeboats afloat. The boys worked with other students and had to demonstrate teamwork, cooperation, oral communication skills, directional language, sportsmanship, gross motor skills, balance and coordination, motor planning, and bilateral movements. They all did very well!

In language arts today Zachary had his 1:1 session with Ms. Jeremy as the other boys went over nouns and adjectives. They did very well brainstorming nouns and adjectives using things they know or enjoy, for example, animals and food. Afterwards they had to draw a photo of something and our friends had to guess what it was by using our question wheel and adjectives.

In gym class today we played a new game called "Manhunt". One person, the guard, had to call out "go" and "stop" when appropriate, and everyone else had to run and hide behind objects to get to the guard's key without being seen. If you were caught, or the guard saw you, you would have to go back and start from the beginning. The winner snuck all the way to the guard's watch tower, grabbed the "key" (a ball), and ran back to the opposite wall without the guard catching them!

The boys were very energetic and wanted to begin their afternoon with some sensory dancing. Guided dancing and sensory circuits are both great activities to help regulate and demonstrate great body and muscle awareness, proprioceptive, vestibular and bilateral movements, fine and gross motor skills, motor planning, and auditory processing.

In social skills today we discussed drama, acting, and role play. Despite having two big bins of costumes, both our class and Ms. Andrea's class wanted to play Charades. They boys did very well acting out different characters and people in the community, as well as animals. This game utilized their turn taking, creativity, bilateral movements, abstract thinking, and drama skills.

Here we are deciding who will go first, second, third, and fourth for our obstacle course. It was a lengthly but productive process and everyone took part in the problem solving.

In the sensory gym we worked on our hand-eye coordination, teamwork, sportsmanship, motor planning, fine and gross motor skills, proprioception skills, vestibular and bilateral movements, math, time, phonics and rhyming skills, and balance and coordination.

At the very end of the day the boys participated in some Partner Play by using rules and concepts from the 'Play Master' game from social skills. Everyone did very well interacting, turn taking, using great communication skills, descriptive language, sportsmanship, and creativity!

Have a lovely evening and see you all tomorrow!

Mr. Jacob : )

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